Facial Moisturizer Products


Sleeping Mask

Sleeping mask with light texture and non-greasy compose of hyaluronic acid, resveratrol, and bearberry. As the powerful antioxidant, it helps lighten skin, reduce wrinkles, improve skin complexion. It is suitable for all skin types.

Highlight :

  • Lighten skin tone
  • Improve skin hydration while sleeping
  • Reduce wrinkles and fine lines

Apply the mask on clean face and neck, let it overnight. No need to rinse

Active Ingredients

Gentle Cleansing gel 2

Sodium hyaluronate derived from hyaluronic acid that can penetrate deeper to dermis layer of the skin. It acts as NMF (Natural Moisturizing Factors) that helps retain moisture to the skin.

SleepingMask 2

Resveratrol has powerful antioxidant activities such as polyphenol that helps reduce aging appearance like fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots.

SleepingMask 3

Bearberry extract acts as brightening agent. It reduces melanin production, improving the appearance of age spots.